05 November 2021
Congratulations, Villas&Golfe, for 20 years!   THE CHALLENGE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENTLY...
23 July 2021
Telhabel is proud to be part of the rehabilitation of Baixa Pombalina, in one of the noblest...
21 June 2021
Telhabel is still in force in the center of Porto! The demolitions of old buildings now give...
19 March 2021
The works in Alcantarilha, Silves, for the construction of the Sudoeste Retail Park, have...
24 November 2020
The contract for the Lar, Creche e Centro de Dia de Olhos de Água, is advancing at a very good...
30 September 2020
The new store of Continente Bom Dia in Castelo Branco has already opened. Another successful...
07 September 2020
Ler artigo: https://expresso.pt/economia/2020-09-04-Esta-a-nascer-uma-cidade-de-250-...  
28 May 2020
Telhabel has already started the contract for the Construction of a Home, Nursery, Day Center...